How do you bear a burden of a past you cannot change? Jesus offers an answer in the parable of the prodical son. The yonger son left home with everything and he returned with nothing. Nothing but regret. Words, actions, you name it. Who knew regret could be so heavy? He had words he thought would make it better. When his Father saw him, he didn't wait for him to speak, he ran and embraced him. His love had the first and the last word. In that moment, a lifetime of regret meet an ternity of Love. The Father's love brought new life to an old story of a lost son or daughter.
God's love is life renewing because it doesn't depend on what we say or do but on what Jesus said and did for us. Jesus died under the tragedy of our sin so that He might rise and create New Life for us in Himself. We all carry burdens of regret. Words, actions, you name it, we've done it. God's love however, brings renewal out of regret.
We face things we cannot change. God comes to offer us one thing that never changes. His Love!